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  • 5D4N行程加問題

    D1-早10:00到港-S1到東薈城-地鐵去銅鑼灣南洋(東湧線到底香港直接可以對面換港島線?還是需要出站或者怎麼樣?)-酒店CHECK IN--去太空館看4D電影(是擺渡至尖沙咀方便還是南洋門口坐過海巴(25C?101/111?)方便?)(電影放映的時間是怎麼樣的?周三收費嗎?)-尖沙咀四處逛逛D2-早搭酒店免費巴士到中環碼頭-4號碼頭至南丫島-溜達-天虹,豆花-回中環-6號碼頭對過乘15C至中環花園道山下纜車站-上山頂-纜車下山-港島線回南洋(纜車下山沿花園道步行至皇後大道中,經遮打花園搭地鐵?還有別的少走路的方法嗎?)D3-時代廣場旁紅色頂的16座位專線小巴車費$20去西貢(到終點下車?)或者從南洋酒店沿霎西街,霎東街走到時代廣場地鐵A入口,坐地鐵到北角站換乘將軍澳線到坑口地鐵站,出站後到巴士總站坐101M號專線小巴往西貢總站(哪條線路好啊?)-全記-溜達-回程D3(optional)-赤柱逛市集(南洋去赤柱路線如何?下車後美利樓怎麼走?)D4-澳門:港島港澳碼頭乘噴射飛航到澳門新港澳碼頭(南洋怎麼去港澳碼頭?)-到碼頭後有到各賭場的免費班車,乘到威尼斯人(吃喝玩樂)-賽馬(從威尼斯人怎麼去?)-安德魯蛋撻(賽馬場怎麼去?)-回碼頭(蛋撻店怎麼去碼頭?)D5-黃大仙-回酒店CHECK OUT寄存行李-銅鑼灣溜達-因是20:40的飛機晚飯後拿行李搭A11去機場(差不多6點半7點了,A11還有嗎?回程的車站在哪里?)請大家幫忙看看行程安排的怎麼樣?我個人覺得D3,D5有點浪費時間。有沒有更好的安排?另外,有沒有在職的推薦早茶的地方?最好是和當天行程較近的地方.

  • 布吉島內點對點租車之商品咨詢

    Hi, we have total 20 people and will arrive Phuket airport on July 30, 2015 around 12:40pm. Below is our plan, please suggest whether we should hire 3 vans for 8 hours or any other options which can be cheaper. Thank! July 30, 2015 arrive at airport by flight # TG609 around 12:40pm After pick up at airport, we would like to put the luggages back to hotel first (Centara Grand West Sands Resort & Villas Phuket, near to the airport) After drop off the luggages, we would like to go to shopping mall, Central Festival The driver can just drop us off and then may be pick us up again around 8:00pm at the mall. Please advise how long it will take from hotel to the shopping mall. Moreover, we will be leaving on Aug 3, 2015. If we book 3 vans to pick us up at hotel around 11:30am (our flight will departure at 2:50 pm) and then send us to the airport. Please advise the cost. Thanks!

  • 韓國首爾機場接送服務(金浦機場、仁川機場)之商品咨詢

    Hi, I would like to enquiry for the coaching services from Incheon Airport to Konjiam Resort on 10 Dec and 12 Dec from Konjiam Resort to Style ibis Hotel (Optional). Total 2 Adults with 1 big luggage and 1 small luggage.

  • 曼谷美攻鐵道+水上市場包車一日遊之商品咨詢

    1) Damnoen Saduak + Meaklong railing market + Chocolate ville dinner > back to hotel (or) 2) Meaklong railing market + Amphawa Floating Market + chocolate ville dinner > back to hotel Can take any of above routing, please suggest a better option and offer for hiring a car with driver. (how much?) We are 6 people = 4 adults + 2 kids (9 & 11yrs old) We stay in hotel near Asoke BTS (Arte hotel)

  • 香港太子到肇慶巴士票-粵港汽車之商品咨詢
